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The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular genus.
Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden'.
Separate pages exist which display images of living plants only and of herbarium specimens only for this genus.
Aster ageratoides | No images found |
Aster amellus | No images found |
Aster ascendens | No images found |
Aster concinnus | No images found |
Aster cordifolius | No images found |
Aster dumosus | No images found |
Aster ericoides | No images found |
Aster junceus | No images found |
Aster laevis | No images found |
Aster laevis × novi-belgii = A. × versicolor | No images found |
Aster lanceolatus | No images found |
Aster lateriflorus | No images found |
Aster linosyris | No images found |
Aster macrophyllus | No images found |
Aster novae-angliae | No images found |
Aster novi-belgii | No images found |
Aster novi-belgii × lanceolatus = A. × salignus | No images found |
Aster novi-belgii agg. | No images found |
Aster pilosus | No images found |
Aster praealtus | No images found |
Aster prenanthoides | No images found |
Aster puniceus | No images found |
Aster schreberi | No images found |
Aster sedifolius | No images found |
Aster spectabilis | No images found |
Aster subulatus | No images found |
Aster tripolium | No images found |
Aster umbellatus | No images found |
Aster vimineus | No images found |
29 species found
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