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This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.
Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden'.
Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.
Abutilon malvifolium | No living plant images found |
Abutilon pictum | No living plant images found |
Abutilon theophrasti | No living plant images found |
Alcea acaulis | No living plant images found |
Alcea rosea | No living plant images found |
Allowissadula sessei | No living plant images found |
Althaea cannabina | No living plant images found |
Althaea hirsuta | No living plant images found |
Althaea officinalis | No living plant images found |
Anisodontea scabrosa | No living plant images found |
Anoda cristata | No living plant images found |
Briquetia spicata | No living plant images found |
Gossypium herbaceum | No living plant images found |
Gossypium hirsutum | No living plant images found |
Hibiscus syriacus | No living plant images found |
Hibiscus trionum | No living plant images found |
Hoheria populnea | No living plant images found |
Kitaibela vitifolia | No living plant images found |
Lavatera arborea | No living plant images found |
Lavatera cretica | No living plant images found |
Lavatera kashmiriana | No living plant images found |
Lavatera maritima | No living plant images found |
Lavatera olbia × thuringiaca = L. × clementii | No living plant images found |
Lavatera plebeia | No living plant images found |
Lavatera punctata | No living plant images found |
Lavatera triloba | No living plant images found |
Lavatera trimestris | No living plant images found |
Malope malacoides | No living plant images found |
Malope trifida | No living plant images found |
Malva aegyptia | No living plant images found |
Malva alcea | No living plant images found |
Malva brasiliensis | No living plant images found |
Malva cretica | No living plant images found |
Malva hispanica | No living plant images found |
Malva moschata | No living plant images found |
Malva neglecta | No living plant images found |
Malva nicaeensis | No living plant images found |
Malva oxyloba | No living plant images found |
Malva parviflora | No living plant images found |
Malva pusilla | No living plant images found |
Malva sylvestris | No living plant images found |
Malva verticillata | No living plant images found |
Malvastrum americanum | No living plant images found |
Malvastrum campanulatum | No living plant images found |
Malvastrum coromandelianum | No living plant images found |
Malvastrum multicaule | No living plant images found |
Modiola caroliniana | No living plant images found |
Pavonia urens | No living plant images found |
Sida cordifolia | No living plant images found |
Sida glomerata | No living plant images found |
Sida rhombifolia | No living plant images found |
Sida spinosa | No living plant images found |
Sidalcea candida | No living plant images found |
Sidalcea malviflora | No living plant images found |
Urocarpidium peruvianum | No living plant images found |
Urocarpidium shepardiae | No living plant images found |
56 species found
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