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This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.
Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden'.
Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.
Ajuga chamaepitys | No living plant images found |
Ajuga genevensis | No living plant images found |
Ajuga iva | No living plant images found |
Ajuga pyramidalis | No living plant images found |
Ajuga reptans | No living plant images found |
Ajuga reptans × pyramidalis = A. × pseudopyramidalis | No living plant images found |
Amethystea caerulea | No living plant images found |
Ballota acetabulosa | No living plant images found |
Ballota hispanica | No living plant images found |
Ballota nigra | No living plant images found |
Ballota nigra subsp. nigra | No living plant images found |
Ballota nigra subsp. meridionalis | No living plant images found |
Ballota pseudodictamnus | No living plant images found |
Cedronella canariensis | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium acinos | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium ascendens | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium calamintha | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium grandiflorum | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium menthifolium | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium rotundifolium | No living plant images found |
Clinopodium vulgare | No living plant images found |
Coleus blumei | No living plant images found |
Dracocephalum moldavica | No living plant images found |
Dracocephalum parviflorum | No living plant images found |
Dracocephalum thymiflorum | No living plant images found |
Elsholtzia ciliata | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis angustifolia | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis bifida | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis ladanum | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis segetum | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis speciosa | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis tetrahit | No living plant images found |
Galeopsis tetrahit × bifida = G. × ludwigii | No living plant images found |
Glechoma hederacea | No living plant images found |
Hyssopus officinalis | No living plant images found |
Lallemantia iberica | No living plant images found |
Lallemantia peltata | No living plant images found |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. argentatum | No living plant images found |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. montanum | No living plant images found |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon subsp. galeobdolon | No living plant images found |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon | No living plant images found |
Lamium album | No living plant images found |
Lamium amplexicaule | No living plant images found |
Lamium bifidum | No living plant images found |
Lamium confertum | No living plant images found |
Lamium garganicum | No living plant images found |
Lamium hybridum | No living plant images found |
Lamium maculatum | No living plant images found |
Lamium orvala | No living plant images found |
Lamium purpureum | No living plant images found |
Lavandula angustifolia | No living plant images found |
Lavandula angustifolia × latifolia = L. × intermedia | No living plant images found |
Lavandula latifolia | No living plant images found |
Leonurus cardiaca | No living plant images found |
Leonurus marrubiastrum | No living plant images found |
Lycopus europaeus | No living plant images found |
Marrubium alysson | No living plant images found |
Marrubium peregrinum | No living plant images found |
Marrubium vulgare | No living plant images found |
Melissa officinalis | No living plant images found |
Melittis melissophyllum | No living plant images found |
Mentha aquatica | No living plant images found |
Mentha aquatica × spicata = M. × piperita | No living plant images found |
Mentha aquatica × suaveolens = M. × suavis | No living plant images found |
Mentha arvensis | No living plant images found |
Mentha arvensis × aquatica × spicata = M. × smithiana | No living plant images found |
Mentha arvensis × aquatica = M. × verticillata | No living plant images found |
Mentha arvensis × spicata = M. × gracilis | No living plant images found |
Mentha arvensis × suaveolens = M. × carinthiaca | No living plant images found |
Mentha longifolia | No living plant images found |
Mentha pulegium | No living plant images found |
Mentha requienii | No living plant images found |
Mentha spicata | No living plant images found |
Mentha spicata × longifolia = M. × villosonervata | No living plant images found |
Mentha spicata × suaveolens = M. × villosa | No living plant images found |
Mentha suaveolens | No living plant images found |
Mentha suaveolens × longifolia = M. × rotundifolia | No living plant images found |
Moluccella laevis | No living plant images found |
Monarda citriodora | No living plant images found |
Monarda didyma | No living plant images found |
Nepeta cataria | No living plant images found |
Nepeta grandiflora | No living plant images found |
Nepeta nepetella | No living plant images found |
Nepeta nepetella × racemosa = N. × faassenii | No living plant images found |
Nepeta nuda | No living plant images found |
Ocimum basilicum | No living plant images found |
Ocimum micranthum | No living plant images found |
Origanum majorana | No living plant images found |
Origanum onites | No living plant images found |
Origanum virens | No living plant images found |
Origanum vulgare | No living plant images found |
Perilla frutescens | No living plant images found |
Phlomis fruticosa | No living plant images found |
Phlomis russeliana | No living plant images found |
Phlomis samia | No living plant images found |
Physostegia virginiana | No living plant images found |
Prasium majus | No living plant images found |
Prunella grandiflora | No living plant images found |
Prunella laciniata | No living plant images found |
Prunella vulgaris | No living plant images found |
Prunella vulgaris × laciniata = P. × intermedia | No living plant images found |
Rosmarinus officinalis | No living plant images found |
Salvia × andrzejowskii | No living plant images found |
Salvia aethiopis | No living plant images found |
Salvia argentea | No living plant images found |
Salvia barrelieri | No living plant images found |
Salvia bornmuelleri | No living plant images found |
Salvia glutinosa | No living plant images found |
Salvia nemorosa | No living plant images found |
Salvia officinalis | No living plant images found |
Salvia pratensis | No living plant images found |
Salvia pratensis × nemorosa = S. × sylvestris | No living plant images found |
Salvia reflexa | No living plant images found |
Salvia sclarea | No living plant images found |
Salvia splendens | No living plant images found |
Salvia verbenaca | No living plant images found |
Salvia verticillata | No living plant images found |
Salvia villicaulis | No living plant images found |
Salvia virgata | No living plant images found |
Salvia viridis | No living plant images found |
Satureja hortensis | No living plant images found |
Satureja montana | No living plant images found |
Scutellaria altissima | No living plant images found |
Scutellaria galericulata | No living plant images found |
Scutellaria galericulata × minor = S. × hybrida | No living plant images found |
Scutellaria hastifolia | No living plant images found |
Scutellaria minor | No living plant images found |
Sideritis hyssopifolia | No living plant images found |
Sideritis lanata | No living plant images found |
Sideritis montana | No living plant images found |
Sideritis romana | No living plant images found |
Stachys alpina | No living plant images found |
Stachys annua | No living plant images found |
Stachys arvensis | No living plant images found |
Stachys byzantina | No living plant images found |
Stachys coccinea | No living plant images found |
Stachys cretica | No living plant images found |
Stachys germanica | No living plant images found |
Stachys heraclea | No living plant images found |
Stachys macrantha | No living plant images found |
Stachys ocymastrum | No living plant images found |
Stachys officinalis | No living plant images found |
Stachys palustris | No living plant images found |
Stachys recta | No living plant images found |
Stachys sylvatica | No living plant images found |
Stachys sylvatica × palustris = S. × ambigua | No living plant images found |
Teucrium botrys | No living plant images found |
Teucrium chamaedrys | No living plant images found |
Teucrium flavum | No living plant images found |
Teucrium fruticans | No living plant images found |
Teucrium resupinatum | No living plant images found |
Teucrium scordium | No living plant images found |
Teucrium scorodonia | No living plant images found |
Teucrium spinosum | No living plant images found |
Thymus polytrichus subsp. ligusticus | No living plant images found |
Thymus pulegioides | No living plant images found |
Thymus serpyllum | No living plant images found |
Thymus vulgaris | No living plant images found |
Wiedemannia orientalis | No living plant images found |
Ziziphora capitata | No living plant images found |
Ziziphora clinopodioides | No living plant images found |
Ziziphora taurica | No living plant images found |
162 species found
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