UK Flora: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 16 Jul 2008

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
AceraceaeAcer platanoides Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord (with image)
BrassicaceaeAlliaria petiolata Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
BetulaceaeAlnus glutinosa Bramley ValeRecord
ApiaceaeAngelica sylvestris Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
AsteraceaeArtemisia vulgaris Near St John's Ambulance hut, Bramley ValeRecord
AsteraceaeArtemisia vulgaris Bramley ValeRecord
GentianaceaeBlackstonia perfoliata Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
AsteraceaeCentaurea nigra Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
OnagraceaeChamerion angustifolium Bramley ValeRecord
OnagraceaeChamerion angustifolium Near St John's Ambulance hut, Bramley ValeRecord
AsteraceaeCirsium arvense Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
AsteraceaeCirsium vulgare Bramley ValeRecord
ApiaceaeConium maculatum Edge of Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
PoaceaeDactylis glomerata Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
ScrophulariaceaeDigitalis purpurea Edge of Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
OnagraceaeEpilobium hirsutum Bramley ValeRecord
AsteraceaeErigeron acer Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
RosaceaeFilipendula ulmaria Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
FabaceaeGalega officinalis Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeGalega officinalis Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
ApiaceaeHeracleum sphondylium Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
ApiaceaeHeracleum sphondylium Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
DipsacaceaeKnautia arvensis Bramley ValeRecord
FabaceaeLathyrus pratensis Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
ScrophulariaceaeLinaria purpurea Near St John's Ambulance hut, Bramley ValeRecord (with image)
MalvaceaeMalva moschata Bramley ValeRecord
MalvaceaeMalva moschata Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeMedicago lupulina Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
FabaceaeMelilotus albus Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord (with image)
ScrophulariaceaeOdontites vernus Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
LamiaceaePrunella vulgaris Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
ResedaceaeReseda luteola Edge of Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
RosaceaeRubus idaeus Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
RosaceaeRubus idaeus Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
RosaceaeRubus idaeus Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
PolygonaceaeRumex crispus Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
CaryophyllaceaeSilene dioica Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
RosaceaeSorbus aucuparia Bramley ValeRecord
LamiaceaeStachys sylvatica Between Doe Lea and StockleyRecord
CaryophyllaceaeStellaria graminea Bramley ValeRecord
BoraginaceaeSymphytum officinale Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
AsteraceaeTaraxacum officinale agg. Doe Lea Nature ReserveRecord
FabaceaeTrifolium dubium Bramley ValeRecord
FabaceaeTrifolium hybridum Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeTrifolium repens Bramley ValeRecord
FabaceaeVicia cracca Bramley ValeRecord
FabaceaeVicia cracca Bramley ValeRecord
FabaceaeVicia hirsuta Near Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeVicia hirsuta Bramley ValeRecord

Number of records found: 49

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2008-24

Hyde, M.A. (2024). UK Flora: Utilities: Date search results., retrieved 22 December 2024

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