UK Flora: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 6 Jul 2008

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
BrassicaceaeAlliaria petiolata Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
PoaceaeArrhenatherum elatius Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
AsteraceaeCirsium arvense Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
OrchidaceaeDactylorhiza fuchsii Nature reserve in mid roundabout, Bramley Vale - ChesterfieldRecord
OnagraceaeEpilobium hirsutum Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
RubiaceaeGalium aparine Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
ApiaceaeHeracleum sphondylium Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
IridaceaeIris pseudacorus Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
LamiaceaeLamium album Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
AsteraceaeLapsana communis Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeLathyrus pratensis Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
MalvaceaeMalva moschata Nature reserve in mid roundabout, Bramley Vale - ChesterfieldRecord
FabaceaeMedicago lupulina Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
OrchidaceaeOphrys apifera Nature reserve in mid roundabout, Bramley Vale - ChesterfieldRecord
PapaveraceaePapaver somniferum Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
RanunculaceaeRanunculus repens Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
ResedaceaeReseda luteola Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
CaprifoliaceaeSambucus nigra Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
CaprifoliaceaeSambucus nigra Nature reserve in mid roundabout, Bramley Vale - ChesterfieldRecord
RosaceaeSanguisorba officinalis Path parallel to road from Bramley Vale towards ChesterfieldRecord
AsteraceaeSenecio jacobaea Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
CaryophyllaceaeSilene latifolia Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
BrassicaceaeSisymbrium officinale Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
LamiaceaeStachys sylvatica Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
BoraginaceaeSymphytum officinale Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
AsteraceaeTanacetum parthenium Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeTrifolium repens Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
UrticaceaeUrtica dioica Willow Walk, Bramley Vale, DerbyshireRecord
FabaceaeVicia cracca Path parallel to road from Bramley Vale towards ChesterfieldRecord
FabaceaeVicia sepium Path parallel to road from Bramley Vale towards ChesterfieldRecord

Number of records found: 30

Copyright: Mark Hyde, 2008-24

Hyde, M.A. (2024). UK Flora: Utilities: Date search results., retrieved 22 December 2024

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