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Spot id | Spot character | No. of records |
2 | Trees | 3 |
3 | Parasitic | 1 |
16 | Annuals | 1 |
21 | Shrub under 2 m | 1 |
109 | Prickles or spines on trunk or stems | 1 |
200 | White sap | 2 |
400 | Stellate or dendritic hairs | 15 |
401 | Medifixed hairs | 1 |
404 | Stinging (urticating) hairs | 1 |
506 | Stipules absent | 3 |
713 | Leaves palmately lobed | 3 |
739 | Leaves opposite | 4 |
746 | Leaves with entire margin | 1 |
906 | Corolla / petals with a spur | 35 |
1000 | Fruits winged | 3 |
1100 | Seeds winged | 2 |
Total | 77 |
Number of different spot ids found: 16
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